Friday, 22 June 2012

Andaman Nicobar Islands

The Andaman and Nicobar atolls are the gatherings of nearly six hundred islands that glance and gift for the tourist eyes with all attractions and splendor. The persons who and all loving the nature Andaman and Nicobar Islands are best place for them to observe the harmonic environment. At the same time, it is the extra ordinary place for the watching different types of birds and animals, where this place highly comprises more than hundred species of wild orchids.

The Great Nicobar Island:-
Proximity to the Galatians, the fabulous Nicobar Islands are found along the shoreline. One can able to enjoy the fishing activities in this atoll at the place of Nicobar atolls where has perennial rivers - the Galathea, Alexandria, and Doyma.

Bompoka Islands:-
Bompoka atoll is the hilly islands that have a few plain spaces within the region of west coast. This atoll found next to the car Nicobar Island. You can able to watch rare kind of birds like Nicobar sparrow hawk seen in large amount in these regions. All those species are transferred into the vulnerable as it is guessed that have tiny, declining population for the reason of forest loss.  

Nancowry Islands:-
Even though Nicobar atolls are gathering of lots of beautiful group of islets yet Nancowry considered among the entire atoll in the atolls. Almost every adventure can be enjoyed in this nature beauty atoll. In these islands, there are so many schools are occurred.

Keywords:- Nancowry, Bompoka, Nicobar, Islands.

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